Monday, May 31, 2010

By an act of Congress, the U.S. Senate, and the signature of The President of The United States of America, We are The Official National Museum of the US Navy SEALs and Their Predecessors.

Our continuing Mission is to preserve the history of the US Navy SEALs and their predecessors, including the Underwater Demolition Teams, Naval Combat Demolition Units, Office of Strategic Services Maritime Units and Amphibious Scouts and Raiders. Located in Fort Pierce, Florida, the birthplace of the Navy Frogman, the Museum promotes public education by providing the opportunity to explore the history of the US Navy SEALs in an atmosphere of respect and honor.

We have begun fundraising to build a permanent Memorial on Museum grounds to honor the Navy frogmen and SEALs who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. These were exceptional Americans who were willing to put their lives on the line, anywhere… at anytime to ensure that we continue to enjoy our very freedom today.

The Navy SEAL Memorial will be the ONLY permanent Memorial in the world dedicated to these courageous men. The name, class, team and date of death of each man will be inscribed on black granite panels surrounding the Memorial statue. The creation of this Memorial will provide both a place of solace to loved ones and a well deserved place of honor for these special men.

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